Skipping NT's constitution, plans, policies and procedures can be found below.
ConstitutionSkipping NT's Constitution
Member ProtectionMember protection, child protection, smoke free environment, alcohol management and social media policies
Strategic PlanSkipping NT's Strategic Plan 2024-2026 and Annual Operating Plan 2024
Financial Delegations |
Anti Doping |
Chaperone Policy |
Delegations of authority in relation to expenditure and other committments
Policy aimed at enforcing anti-doping principles in the sport of skipping in a global and harmonised manner.
Policy to support chaperone and provide the best possible care to young skippers under the care of a chaperone.
Team Selection - Junior |
Team Selection - Open |
Code of Conduct |
Policy aimed at providing junior skipping activities that are safe, enjoyable, inclusive and maximise individual participation.
Policy aimed at providing an open and fair process for the selection of teams.
Outlines the minimum standards required for anyone involved in our sport.
Heat / Sun Policy |
Volunteer Management |
Risk Management |
Policy aimed at reducing the impact of heat and sun on the wellbeing of participants.
Policy aimed at guiding the involvement of volunteers in our sport.
Policy outlining our approach to managing risk to ensure the controlled provision of our sport for skippers, officials and spectators.